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Let redundancy be your advantage!

Like many Selena was made redundant due to Covid -19 in 2020 from her role in the Travel industry. The term pivot and agility certainly applied to Selena as she did not let the grass grow under her feet and applied for a general administration temp role with ERG Recruitment.

The advantage of working for a Temping agency is that as an employee you get the opportunity to try a new environment and pick up further transferable skills to add to your career tool kit.

The beauty of the introduction for ERG was that we identified an individual that we felt would naturally suit our business. As soon as we had an internal vacancy and were in a rock and a hard place for admin support, we reached out to Selena and asked her to come temp for us inhouse rather than for one of our clients…to be clear her assignment with our client had just finished so we wanted to grab her before we placed her elsewhere. And just like that we had the perfect Para Consultant who knew what it was like to work as a temp and with her previous career experience was ideal to provide business support to our team. An offer for permanent employment was made very quickly after a week.   

Selena has taken over all the critical areas of our day-to-day business. Payroll is one of those critical functions as for our business it is very important that our Temps are paid for each hour they work. Selena will be working closely with our clients and temporary staff to encourage them to maintain accuracy and timeliness and is always available to answer any questions.

Do not hesitate to say “Hi” if you are one of our temps... Selena will be getting to know you all over the next few months.   


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ERG Recruitment